Water well maintenance
After surgery Drilling wells Regular maintenance of your well is required to ensure the continued safety of your water and to monitor the presence of any contaminants Here are some steps you can take to help protect your well:
- Inspect and test wells annually for mechanical problems, cleanliness, presence of certain contaminants such as coliform bacteria, nitrates/nitrites, and any other contaminants of local concern (e.g. arsenic, radon).
- Test well water more than once a year if there are frequent incidents of gastrointestinal diseases among family members or a change in the taste, smell, or appearance of well water. Keep all hazardous materials such as paint, fertilizers, pesticides, and motor oils away from the well.
- When mixing chemicals, do not place the hose inside the mixing bowl as this may draw the chemicals into the home water system
- Consult a professional contractor to verify proper separation between the well, house, waste systems, and chemical storage facilities
- Always check the well cap or well cap to make sure it is intact. The top of the well should be at least one foot above the ground
- Once your well has reached its intended service life (usually at least 20 years) you should have a water driller A licensed or certified pump installer decommissions an existing well and creates New well to follow more follow us on our page on FB Aabar Group for maintenance and supply of submersible pumps and disinfection of wells