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1- Making wells for Al-Ittihadiya Palace and Abdeen Palace

2- Industrial and Engineering Projects Company wells work and maintenance Company Headquarters : Seventh District – Nasr City

3- Maintenance of the wells of the Memphis Pharmaceutical Company, Cable Street

4- Drilling wells and annual maintenance of Cairo Poultry Company sites (Sadat – Tamanbul – Rigua – Al-Saf – Belbeis – Tenth – Mansouriya)

5- Drilling wells and annual maintenance for the National Poultry Company (Wadi Al-Natroun – Abnaa Al-Gharbiya) (Empty Valley – Nubaria).

6- Drilling wells and maintaining them at the Oriental Weavers Factory – 10th of Ramadan, main center. 7- Drilling wells and maintaining them at the (Star Tex) Textile Factory, 10th of Ramadan.

8- Drilling and maintaining wells at the Queen Jeans Factory, Obour – behind the Kiriazi Factory.

9- Making and maintaining wells at Bakin Paint Factory (Obour – Alexandria)

10- Making and maintaining wells for Amat Poultry Company and Wadi El Natroun.

11- Wells work and maintenance by (Mukhtar Ibrahim) Company, 10th Ramses Road.

12- Making wells at the Petro Gate Wadi El Qamar site, Alexandria.

13- Making wells for the Sphinx factory, manufacturing water mixers.

14- Making wells for Abaza Trailers Company, Anshas – Sharqiya.

15- Work of wells by Simtar Services Company Limited, Ras Gharib Petroleum Site.

16- Paradise Company’s wells for land reclamation in New Minya.

17- Drilling a well for the Misr Glass Manufacturing Company

18- Making wells for the Flora Paper Products Factory.

19- Maintenance of the wells of the Arab Pharmaceutical Company, Kablat Street

20- Work on wells in the new East Tafria Ismailia area (Obour – Al-Abtal – Al-Taqadum – Al-Amal and Wadi Shair – Al-Dababa Road)

21- Making wells for the Qatour Youth Association, Malwa, Minya.

22- Making wells for the Bedaya Association of North Upper Egypt – Malwa Minya.

23- Work on wells for the Egyptian Land Reclamation Company, Abu Qurqas, Minya.

24- Making wells for the Hajj amusement park, Arafa, Al-Ghalban, Aswan.

25 – Draw Land Reclamation Association’s wells work, Aswan.

26- The work of the wells of the Hajj farm, Abdel Shafi, in the Al-Sabaiya ambush

27- Making private farm wells at the entrance to Al-Shuja village – Twenty Branch.

28- Making wells for private farms, Ezbet Sanad.

29- Making wells for private farms in Madaq Al-Tawfiqiya.

30- Making wells, especially the pillars’ mudqa.

31- Making wells in the Qattara depression area, Medical Salt Company.

32- Making villa wells (A. Khaled Abaza), Ismailia Desert, Orabi Association.

33- Making wells for M factory. Hassan Ghurab for textile production, the triangle crossing behind monotheism and light.

34- Making wells in Mediterranean Sea, Sadat City, after the Ezz Steel Factory.

35 – Making wells for the Banan Marble and Granite Factory, Arab Musaed Al-Saff.

36- Making wells in Marina 3, North Coast.

37- Well work for the fish resources sector company, Agami, Alexandria. 13- Making and maintaining wells, Adliya Association, Al-Tayyar Square.

38- Making and maintaining wells Nadia Land Reclamation Company, Minya – Mallawi

39- Making and maintaining wells, ICAD Agricultural Investment Company, Alexandria Desert

40- Making and maintaining wells, Ahmed Orabi Association, gates (1 – 2 – 3 – 7).